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"Without courage we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest." ~Maya Angelou


Maya Angelou has long been the voice of the forgotten and abandoned, knowing firsthand what it felt like to be severely traumatized as a child when she was raped by her mother's boyfriend before he was killed by her uncles and left mute as a result of that assault and numerous other acts of racial prejudice and discrimination. After about five years of her silence, she eventually moved to San Francisco where a new world seemed to open up for her.


As the first female black cable car conductor, American author, poet, dancer, actress, screenwriter, and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou made her mark on the world during challenging times.  Eventually, she traveled abroad and become an editor and freelance writer, even holding a position at the University of Ghana.


Maya Angelou's autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1969), was the first nonfiction bestseller by an African American woman, and her poem And Still I Rise (1978) is still widely used today.


"I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~Maya Angelou


Hand-felted by marginalized women artisans in Kyrgyzstan who have also experienced adversity, you are continuing the work of Maya Angelou by purchasing one of the Silk Road Bazaar products.  You are helping to change the world for the better, one life, one heart at a time.


Maya Angelou Felted Ornament


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ethical hope...

- Ethical Hope is about family - the global community that is our family, whether we know them all or not, and caring for them exactly as they are, wherever they are.  

- Ethical Hope is about value - valuing those who have been deemed worthless and showing them that their contributions to the world are indeed valuable and vitally important.

- Ethical Hope is about  worth -  providing sustainable wages and compassionate treatment in cultures and societies where too many are forgotten or neglected.

- Ethical Hope is about hope - offering it to anyone who needs hope in their struggles, light in their darkness, acceptance in their brokenness.

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